Sample Tip 1 | Sample Tip 2
Day 1: A Declaration of Love
"If you surrender completely to the moments as they pass, you live more richly those moments." —Anne Morrow Lindbergh
Congratulations on your wonderful news! What an exciting time for you!
You may be feeling pure elation and eager anticipation. Or you may be surprised to find that the hugeness of the event has left you feeling numb. Perhaps there's something else nagging at your happiness that you can't quite name at the moment. Regardless of what you're feeling, take heart: You are at the very start of a major, albeit exciting, life transition. There is no one "right" way to feel.
Instead of charging head-on in to your planning or completely absorbing yourself in making phone calls to share the news, set aside a few moments today to sit quietly and savor the many emotions running through your mind. If you are feeling excitement, ask yourself to specifically name what you are excited about. If there are doubts or fears of any sort, name those, as well. Your goal is to get an honest snapshot of where you are and to give everything you're feeling the space it needs to rise to the top. The more you can stay in touch with how you're feeling, the more you'll be able to give yourself what you need when you need it, and the better equipped you'll be to navigate every twist and turn of this thrilling, life-changing ride.
If you discover that you're feeling anxious about the financial repercussions of all the decisions you're about to make, know that you're not alone. Nearly 80% of couples polled in a 2006 American Express survey reported that they felt the financial aspects of planning a wedding were stressful, with 26% describing it as "very stressful." Right now, before you become immersed in the full planning whirlwind, take a moment to talk with your partner and set some parameters on how much you're comfortable spending on the wedding. Setting a budget is one of the best ways to avoid financial stress, yet the same survey revealed that 44% of engaged couples never do it. Make sure you're a part of that other 56%.