A Path with Heart: A Guide Through the Perils and Promises of Spiritual Life
By Jack Kornfield
Kornfield uses everyday metaphors with meditation to increase readers’ attentiveness and compassion for life.
Posted: 03/11/2008 04:34 PM EST
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Lovingkindness: The Revolutionary Art of Happiness (Shambhala Library)
By Sharon Salzberg and Jon Kabat-Zinn
Best for those with some prior knowledge of meditating, this book teaches technique for increasing connections with others and having a positive outlook on the world and your life.
Posted: 03/11/2008 04:36 PM EST
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Meditation For Busy People: Stress-Beating Strategies To Calm Your Life
By Osho
Osho acknowledges that old-fashioned meditation techniques were designed for people with more time. Designed for the individual on-the-go, the book suggests that everyday tasks and surroundings, such as a morning commute, provide opportunities for relaxation.
Posted: 03/11/2008 04:35 PM EST
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Meditation For Dummies
By Stephan Bodian
This book covers all you need to know to get started, following the format of other books in the For Dummies series. This text is full of great tips, insights, quotes and practices. Its strength lies in covering many different paths.
Posted: 03/11/2008 04:28 PM EST
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Radical Acceptance: Embracing Your Life With the Heart of a Buddha
By Tara Brach
This book is a path out and away from self-judgments, conflicts, addictions, perfectionism, loneliness and overwork.
Posted: 03/11/2008 04:30 PM EST
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The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment
By Eckhart Tolle
Corresponding with the title, Tolle discusses in this book that living “in the now” is the best route to a happy life. The concepts covered are deep, but explained thoroughly, with indicated “break” times to stop reading and digest the material.
Posted: 03/11/2008 04:37 PM EST
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