"I liked your article in AdAge. I have friends who need to be exposed to your writings: these may be stressful times, but they have a purpose as a catalyst for change." -Brian
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Our Managing Prostate Cancer Experts

Dr. Jonathan W. Simons

Dr. Jonathan W. Simons

Physician, CEO and President of the Prostate Cancer Foundation...

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Dr. Louis Potters

Dr. Louis Potters

Leader in the field of radiation oncology

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Dr. Richard D. Williams

Dr. Richard D. Williams

Head of the Department of Urology at the University of Iowa

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Top 5 Things to Do

1. Stay calm.

Men who panic at the thought of having cancer often choose surgery because it removes the problem, even though that may not be the best choice. Remember, if your cancer has been caught early, your chances of survival are over 90% no matter what treatment you choose.

2. Get informed.

Is your cancer a tortise or a hare? Unless you have a rare form of aggressive prostate cancer, which you would know by the time of diagnosis, you have time to think and do some research that will provide the knowledge you need to make an informed decision. Talk to your doctor and choose the right treatment based on their knowledge and your research.

3. Build a support team.

Include people you love and trust, like family members, friends and of course a physician who can guide you through this challenge. Try to include someone who has had prostate cancer, but don’t be over-influenced by their choices. Instead, talk through your concerns with your team until you develop at a solid, reasonable strategy.

4. Consider all treatment options.

If your doctor advises no treatment, consider yourself fortunate and don’t be concerned that your best interests aren’t being served. You may not need to be aggressive if your cancer is slow moving. If you do need treatment there are numerous options. Weigh them carefully before saying yes to one.

5.    Enjoy your life.

Although prostate cancer is a serious disease, cure rates are rising, and the vast majority of men who are diagnosed do survive and lead healthy lives. You’ll almost certainly be one of them! Eat well, exercise, rest and spend time with loved ones. Your mindset is one of the best allies you have against prostate cancer.

Posted: 9/5/08