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Tall Tales?

Short men might have a reason to celebrate: New research from Great Britain shows that taller men have a higher risk of developing a prostate cancer health diagnosis. After studying thousands of men with and without prostate cancer, researchers found that the risk of developing prostate cancer increased about 6% for every 3.9 inches above the shortest study participant.
Before all the short men get too excited, or the tall men too irate, the researchers said that they doubt height by itself is the link to the higher risk of prostate cancer. Rather, they believe it is a significant link to some other factor for developing prostate cancer.
Others are not convinced a link between height and prostate cancer exists at all. Some researchers say that the link could arise from pure chance when a study looks at a risk factor as broad as height, skin color or gender and a condition as widespread as prostate cancer. Even if height were a risk factor, it would be very low, critics say. What’s most important is that tall or short, men take care of themselves: eat a balanced, nutritious diet, exercise regularly, get enough sleep and receive regular check-ups.
Do you think height could be a risk factor for prostate cancer? [HealthDay]
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