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Question:How was your voting experience?

The consensus here seems to be that while many faced long lines, most were happy to do so and that people are generally upbeat and excited about the change about to happen.

Whether Republican or Democrat I think it's safe to say the change happening today is a good one. The past eight years have seen this country slip in so many ways ... the environmental progress made by the Clinton/Gore administration has nearly been undone, the surplus that went to a deficit, the inability to get anything done in a congress divided by individual agendas, to say nothing of our standing in the world.

No doubt, change is what we need.

Asked by VictoriaB on 11/4/08 8 Answers»


Here in Washington state, about 50% - 55% of the people use mail-in votes and each year the percentage gets higher. So-o--o, voting for us was the same as usual. Did hear that there were lines at the poling places.

Answered by: lilliede81 on 11/9/08


I was lucky too--I left work early because I heard all the stories of hour or more waits, but when I got there at 4:30 p.m., I only waited for 10, maybe 15 minutes!

Answered by: LauraLee311 on 11/6/08


I was so ready to get some reading and crocheting done in line, but there WAS no line! I was in and out in 5 minutes. There was so much energy in New York, it gave me goosebumps all day!

Answered by: aliciak on 11/6/08


Was perfect. didn't take me ten minutes from in the door to out.

Answered by: bcherep on 11/5/08


We did have early voting in Ohio, so I got to vote yesterday. It was AWESOME ... I just loved filling in that circle. (-;

Answered by: carolineshannon on 11/4/08


My voting experience was pretty simple, but now it's all the analysis that is making me nutty/anxious.

Answered by: LMAYO9 on 11/4/08


What's it like in other parts of the country today? We don't get early voting, so perhaps that's part of the excitement being generated here today.

It has been a great day here in Brooklyn. It's the very essence of community-people coming together behind a common cause. No matter how you cast your ballot, the important thing, in my mind, is that today stands for something bigger. I hope, after the day is over, that we long remember that change starts with us. It's an individual choice we each make to see a need and meet it. To stand up and say that we will participate. That we can make change happen on a small scale, and a large one.

Answered by: kristen on 11/4/08
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