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Question:What's your constant?

I just read that after the Rocky Mountain News wanted to pull the Garfield cartoon, more than 2,000 people protested and had it reinstated. Their argument was that "in these troubled times, they counted on the comic relief of their longtime favorite strip."

This got me thinking—when you deal with change, what's your "constant," the thing you go to that reminds you that things will be ok?

Asked by Cwolf112 on 10/31/08 5 Answers»


My constant, when times are good or bad, is "The Big Guys", as I call Them. They are The Creator of all that is; The All; The One; The I Am. I never feel lonely or alone. They are always there for me!!!

Answered by: lilliede81 on 11/3/08


When I'm feeling really bad, I call my parents. It's silly, but hearing their calm voices as they talk about nothing is really soothing. If they aren't home when I call (horrors!) I go to my favorite book, On the Road.

Answered by: kristen on 11/1/08


Particular movies like Office Space, Old School and Tommy Boy. Also, a football play by my team called the Immaculate Reception. It's 2 minutes that gives me chills and fills me with glees.

I also tend to create in bad times...cooking, baking, crafting, painting.

Answered by: aliciak on 11/1/08


I don't know why, but when I was going through depression in high school, I felt immensely better after watching Star Wars. I'm not even that huge of a fan. I think it may have been all of the underlying Buddhist themes or even just the notion that there's an entire universe out there waiting to be conquered.

Answered by: runnindownadream on 10/31/08


This is a great question. Sometimes I'll watch my favorite old movie, "Mary Poppins," or I'll read "Beloved," one of my favorite books. Though I understand these people's argument about Garfield. I LOVE the Peanuts gang and when I'm feeling down, sometimes I'll whip out those cartoon specials (even in the summer). As depressed as Charlie Brown gets sometimes, it makes me feel like things will be ok.

Answered by: AnnieChance on 10/31/08
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