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Richard Nelson Bolles

Richard Nelson Bolles

Renowned author of the What Color Is Your Parachute? Series

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Bradley Richardson

Bradley Richardson

Business author, professional speaker and career development...

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Tanya Flynn

Communications manager at Careerbuilder.com

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If you have questions about this change, you're in the right place. Our editors, experts, and community of change optimists have answers!


Question:I have bee laid off recently, collecting unemployment and cant find a job. I have a B.A. in Humanities/Social Sciences, what/where can I go with that degree? I am at a loss.

I am at such a loss of where to go next in my life. I am 29 yrs. old and have no career, and should. I have student loan debt of near $30,000., and then smaller debts. I'm thinking of joining the reserves because I dont know how else to get out of debt or what to do career wise.

Asked by spatterson40 on 11/20/08 3 Answers»


I just recently got laid off from a job that I have had for 5 years but have been in the business since 1982---you always need to just think about your passion (what job truly makes you happy) my industry is in my blood and I know I will get another job soon...If you don't have that passion in your blood you probably won't get a job no matter what your degree is...So, find that something that floats your boat and only apply for those jobs! Staying posiitve is the key but being excited to wake up and go to work makes everyone so much happier!! Good luck and keep smiling.. xo

Answered by: Pamelachristian on 1/5/09


Don't forget about Einstein working at the patent office! It may seem overwhelming now, but take a deep breath and realize that something better will eventually come along. Right now having a positive attitude is just as important as anything else. Use the extra time you have to spruce up your resume and get your networking hat on.

Answered by: alegria on 12/15/08


Try focusing less on your degree and more on your experiences and passions. What is it that you really want to do? I know it's probably hard to think about when all you need is to pay the bills—and if that's the case then maybe a seasonal retail or customer service job can get you through the hump?

And try to stop "shoulding" so much. Lots of people didn't start or become successful until much later than 29. Many famous writers and poets didn't start publishing until their 30s, 40s, 50s and beyond! Laura Ingalls Wilder, of "Little House on the Prarie" fame, didn't publish a book until she was in her 60s! Charles Bukowski, Wallace Stevens and Raymond Chandler all did odd/regular jobs for many years before putting pen to paper.

Keep seeking your passion until you find it. It will come!

Answered by: Eva1873 on 11/25/08
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