Alan D. Wolfelt, Ph.D.
Wolfelt is an internationally noted author, educator and grief counselor. He serves as Director of the Center for Loss and Life Transition and is on the faculty at the University of Colorado Medical School’s Department of Family Medicine. His books include Healing Grief at Work: 100 Practical Ideas After Your Workplace Is Touched by Loss.
Posted: 12/18/2007 02:44 PM EST
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Ashley Davis Prend, L.C.S.W., A.C.S.W.
Prend is a psychotherapist and grief counselor in New Hampshire. An author of several self-help books, including Transcending Loss and Claim Your Inner Grown-up, she focuses on coping with losses, searching for meaning, maximizing one’s potential and finding inner peace.
Posted: 12/18/2007 02:42 PM EST
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Dan Tobin, M.D.
A nationally recognized leader in end-of-life care, Tobin directs the Center for Advanced Illness Coordinated Care. He is the author of Peaceful Dying.
Posted: 12/18/2007 02:43 PM EST
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David Kessler
A journalist, motivational speaker and author of Life Lessons, Kessler is an expert on death and dying and teaches about the mysteries of life and living.
Posted: 12/18/2007 02:40 PM EST
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Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, M.D.
Kübler-Ross was a psychiatrist and author of the groundbreaking book On Death and Dying as well as a 2007 inductee into the National Women’s Hall of Fame.
Posted: 12/18/2007 02:41 PM EST
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Helen Fitzgerald
Fitzgerald is a certified death educator, author and lecturer and the director of the American Hospice Foundation. She has written The Grieving Child, The Mourning Handbook and The Grieving Teen and spent 23 years as the coordinator of the Grief Program for Mental Health Services in Fairfax County.
Posted: 12/18/2007 02:39 PM EST
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Ira Byock, M.D.
The longtime palliative care physician and advocate for improved end-of-life care, Byock was a past president of the American Academy of Hospice and Palliative Medicine and has written many resources to help families.
Posted: 12/18/2007 02:38 PM EST
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