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Question:Is anyone having trouble finding a job?

It seems like lots of recent grads are still interning or working service jobs to pay the rent...or living at home. What's your situation? Has finding a job been easy or hard?

Asked by Kiki76 on 8/11/08 2 Answers»


I consider myself lucky to be self-employed three years out of school, but I've been watching my younger sister get turned down by job after job. It's so hard to see her struggling because I know she's a great candidate with a lot of skills and not one to get down on herself. I'm just trying to be a good sister and keep reminding her of how talented she is. I hope I'm helping her and not putting more pressure on. Anyone out there having trouble finding a job - how do you want your family to treat you?

Answered by: runnindownadream on 10/20/08


Finding the ideal position has been very hard for me. I seem to get all the positions that I have the "Experience" in not the ones for which I have studied. So now I am entering another entire field of study. Yes I may be 45...but I do love learning...and the day my mind stops learning I am dead for every day there is something to learn no matter how small it is.

Answered by: sheilaemoffatt on 9/9/08
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