"...the beauty of the model is that they can do well by doing good." -Cory
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Ron Dembo

Ron Dembo

Professor, author and founder of Zerofootprint.net

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Josh Dorfman

Josh Dorfman

Author and radio show host known as The Lazy Environmentalist...

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Jennifer Hattam

Journalist and blogger at The Green Life

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Got A Tip?


Do the green thing


I really like the web site Do The Green Thing. They used to give you a thing to focus on each month (like showering with a friend to save water), now they're hammering home the importance of seven things you can do on a regular basis that can have a positive impact.

Here are the seven principles:

walk the walk -- easy enough ... do more walking

stick with what you got ... resist the urge to buy new stuff when what you have is serviceable

go easy on the meat ... cattle is a big piece of the CO2 puzzle

unplug appliances or just don't use them

fly less ... consider the necessity of air travel

turn down the heat ... throw on a scarf ... add a sweater (or a friend)

resist the urge to consume ... recycle, reduce, reuse

visit their site for more specific information on how you can do the green thing, too! Link

Shared by wishuponastar on 10/21/08

Good find! I think a big one is the "resist the urge to consume...recycle, reduce, reuse" is such a big one. A lot of other things will follow when you really look at your purchasing patterns.

  • By aliciak
  • on 10/21/08 11:21 AM EST