A Sand County Almanac
By Aldo Leopold
With this classic of nature writing, Leopold’s lyrical prose quietly makes a case for the preservation of wild places.
Posted: 10/30/2007 03:55 PM EST
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Amory Lovins
Lovins is the co-founder, chairman and chief scientist for Rocky Mountain Institute. Recently, he led a redesign of $30 billion worth of facilities in 29 sectors for radical energy and resource efficiency. The Wall Street Journal named Mr. Lovins one of 39 people worldwide "most likely to change the course of business" in the '90s.
Posted: 03/29/2008 03:16 PM EST
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An Inconvenient Truth: The Planetary Emergency of Global Warming and What We Can Do About It
By Al Gore
The companion volume to the Oscar-winning documentary, Gore’s book addresses our climate crisis.
Posted: 10/30/2007 03:54 PM EST
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Go Green, Live Rich: 50 Simple Ways to Save the Earth and Get Rich Trying
By David Bach with Hillary Rosner
David Bach is the author of seven consecutive national best sellers including two consecutive #1 New York Times best sellers, Start Late, Finish Rich and The Automatic Millionaire. In his latest book, he explains how people can maintain their green values while making some money at the same time. For more information go to Greengreen.com.
Posted: 05/12/2008 05:43 PM EST
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It's Easy Being Green: A Handbook for Earth-Friendly Living
By Crissy Trask
A great way to help you make better choices to benefit the environment, Trask’s book is ideal for the busy person wanting information for becoming greener.
Posted: 10/30/2007 03:56 PM EST
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Jill Buck
Buck is the author of the Go Green Initiative, a rapidly spreading environmental education program that is used in 48 states, Africa, Asia, Canada, Europe, Mexico and the UK. Buck does an abundance of volunteer work and also has experience as a Navy Officer.
Posted: 03/29/2008 02:49 PM EST
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Living Green: A Practical Guide to Simple Sustainability
By Greg Horn
Horn’s book is perfect for anyone concerned about climate change and personal health. This guide for being green encourages you past simply worrying and to taking positive action to help improve both the environment and your health.
Posted: 10/30/2007 03:55 PM EST
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