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The Plastic Bag Dilemna

The Plastic Bag Dilemna

If you're really making a commitment to go green you shouldn’t have plastic bags hanging around all over the house.  But, sometimes we forget our canvas totes for grocery store trips and end up coming home with  a plastic version or two. What then? Of course, Real Simple comes to the rescue! This post from 2005 proposes ten ideas for re-using plastic bags; below are the highlights:
1. Wrap plastic bags around your knees if you plan to be gardening or doing some car repairs. Your favorite pair of jeans will thank you!

2. Although this will sound off-the-wall, use a few bags as a wrapping paper alternative! Find a few colorful bags and add a festive, cut-up bag topper at the end.

3. Pack an extra plastic bag if it’s going to rain; when you’re done using your umbrella but still need to carry it, wrap it up so that it doesn’t drench the contents of your purse or briefcase.

4. Another good wrapping function is for when you are cooking from a cookbook: pages inevitably get splashed or soaked from ingredients. Cover them up in the same manner you used to cover school textbooks.

Have any other great tips for re-using plastic bags? Share them here! [Real Simple]

Posted: 6/30/08

The one about covering an umbrella is a good one. I'm often at a loss for what to do with my umbrella once I get on the bus or train. You can't stick it back in your bag when it's wet.

I also keep a couple in the trunk of my car. They come in handy for garbage or toting things.

  • By bstarr
  • on 6/30/08 2:15 PM EST