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Do The Green Thing

As we always say here at First30Days, it's the small changes that make a big difference. So when we find a site or organization that feels the same way, we can't help but want to tell you about it!
Green Thing is an online community that wants to help as many people as possible in as many countries as possible to do the Green Thing. Their hope is that if each person reduces their carbon footprint just a little, it will have a substantial global effect.
So how can you make a small change for the greener...uh, greater...good? Start with this little video. Then tell us if Green Thing is your thing!
I try to do the homemade cleaning product thing, using a combo of baking soda, lemon juice and vinegar. Cloth grocery bags...and always trying to buy less, even though I'm not much of a "shopper" anyway!
My latest little green improvement is switching from plastic water bottles to a Klean Kanteen and Brita-filtered water pitcher. Oh, and I'm getting better about using my reusable grocery bags rather than the paper and/or plastic options.