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Question:Ratpacker of Magazines..what do I do with them!

Asked by Modar1234 on 6/20/08 8 Answers»


Art teachers love magazines for projects.

Answered by: coleman on 10/1/08


If you can't give them away and you don't look at them in 6 months recycle.

Answered by: stevewhardin on 9/23/08


I usually pass them on to family and friends, or I put them out with the recyclables. But donating them to a hospital or a school is a great idea!

Answered by: angie805 on 9/19/08


You can also take them to DayCare. They cut out and past pictures of everythying. Assisted living homes, hospitals, Doctor's offices, churches and/or anywhere you have to wait, like barber shops, oil change..ect..

Good Luck!

Answered by: Feline_67 on 6/27/08


I used to bring my magazines to a local hospital. I would leave them in the volunteer's office.

They were very happy to get them as most of their magazines were ancient.

This idea occurred to me when I was in the hospital and offered some magazines to read by the volunteers. When I noticed how old their magazines were I said to myself ... now I know what to do with all the magazines I have laying around!

It gets them out of my house, out of the trash and it helps brighten the day of someone bored in the hospital!

You can do the same with doctor's offices. I also used to drop some off at a kidney dialysis clinic ... those folks were SO happy to get my current magazines to look at.

Answered by: springshine on 6/24/08


Many, if not most magazines keep archive content online. After you've clipped your favorites, put the rest in recycling. I could never imagine doing it, but I am SO MUCH freer since getting rid of all my magazines!!

Answered by: Anonymous on 6/24/08


I do the same thing as Kiki76. I get into a comfortable position on the floor or in bed and just start tearing out the things I want to keep. I put them in folders, not binders because I don't have the space for binders.

I also keep an eye out for pictures to use on my vision board. If I see a beautiful garden or lovely home I set it aside to be cut out and put on my board.

Answered by: bstarr on 6/20/08
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