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New to the scene



I don't really have a lot of dating experience either; well, in my 20's I use to date a lot, had a few short term relationships, and was always wondering, why not me, I seem to be the one that was left and not the leaver.  So, in short, I wound up falling for someone, had a baby by him, my son is now 17 and we never married, just raised our son and did right by him, never lived together really, and never entertained the idea of getting together.  I'm single and don't know what to do with myself.  I dated a couple of times when my son was little, then decided it complicated things and haven't had a healthy relationship or companionship since my son was maybe 8?  Wow, that is a long time.  I'm getting ready to enter the dating scene but don't know the first thing about it as times have changed.  I beleive things happen when you least expect it, but I've been available, not looking, and haven't really met anyone.  Guess I need to get out more.


Shared by newgal on 8/13/08