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Question:I'm sceptical after 3 marrages

I have been narried 3 times and I am now getting very interested in another women. We have never met and she lives 2500 miles away, but is planning to move near where I am sometime in the near future. We have a great deal of things in common, but I don't want to make a mistake again. I am a little reluctant about getting involved with someone else and getting hurt again. How can I be sure she is the right person for me?

Asked by wangergl1000 on 7/7/08 5 Answers»


You can't be sure until you meet her and spend time with her. You need to relax and not be so serious. Remember, love usually happens when your not looking for it. If you take it so seriously you may be disappointed. I pray things work out for you.

Answered by: dmitha5 on 7/25/08


Wangergl1000. I'm sorry to hear you're unhappy, but I have to wonder if you are one of those people to whom the grass on the other side of the fence is always greener. Maybe you should work on recapturing the romance you originally had with your wife rather than taking a chance on a new person.

Answered by: jasmine_perfume on 7/25/08


I believe that you can find love even if it isn't true love. My mom is married a 4th and last time and she is very happy. So, I say, whatever comes of it, that's awesome! Good luck!

Answered by: HurtingMom on 7/10/08


Being skeptical is not necessarily a bad thing. This is the 3rd go for my husband and I both. We met online and have been together 10 wonderful years. You deserve to find happiness, but you first have to see yourself as worthy of being happy. Think back to why your other marriages didn't work. It takes 2 to make it work, but only 1 to make it fall.
I agree with Tivona, meet her first to see if there is a real spark there before she uproots her life to be closer to you. You do have to be ready for it and see yourself as deserving of it before anything meaningful can happen.
Good luck!

Answered by: ddstoddard on 7/9/08


You wont know till you meet her. Can you set up a date and time to meet her before her big move that way you can see if there is that special something between the two of you? You also have to ask yourself if you are truly ready to give her a shot she may be Ms. Right for you but if you are sceptical and afraid to be hurt, you may not give her a chance to show you. I hope this helps a little bit.


Answered by: Tivona on 7/8/08
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