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Wanna Date? See You in Five!

The words “crazy,” “blind,” and “date” should probably never be in the same sentence together, but one web site has decided to use them all—not only as their concept, but as the name of their enterprise.

Crazyblinddate.com allows users to meet up with their dates on the same night they connect on the web site. The only information they have about the other person is a blurry picture and a one-sentence description. Sounds dangerous, doesn’t it? That’s why the site’s creators added a function where users can opt to go on a blind date.

"Men will look at this and say, 'Sweet; I can get a woman delivered to me,' " explains Sam Yagan, Crazyblinddate.com's creator. "But for some women it'll seem creepy. This way they'll only need to bring half a canister of mace."

Despite its “crazy” concept, the site has experienced a moderate level of success thus far. The site attracts two million users a month and has 550,000 active daters.

Would you use a site like this? If you do try it out, let us know how it went! [Inc.]

Posted: 6/6/08