"I saw you on the Today show and it was that short appearance that literally, and physically, helped to change my life. You were the inspiration and motivation I needed to finally get moving." -Aisling
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Greg Waldorf

Greg Waldorf

CEO of eHarmony.com

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Beth Roberts

Beth Roberts

Online dating coach and co-founder of Finding Your Mate Online...

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Alison Roth

Online dating guru and consultant

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Beyond Disability

Living with a disability or a health diagnosis comes with its own unique set of challenges. Finding a partner who will not only accept but understand your lifestyle can seem like the biggest challenge of all, but they are out there!

With members from everywhere from Japan to Bulgaria, the popular online dating site Dating4Disabled.com has made it easier for thousands of singles to connect. The site was created in Israel and its founders say the secret to their success lies in the age-old Jewish tradition of matchmaking.

"I'm pretty good at pulling people in," says Merryl Kaplan, the site's unofficial matchmaker.

One successful match was between a Brittish man with spina bifida and a woman from Montana who had become handicapped after a car accident.

The most amazing thing about this web site is that many of its members have suffered from some pretty traumatic events and now they have the chance to have a great relationship that they never could have imagined before. [ISRAEL21c]

Posted: 6/4/08

Dating4Disabled.com warmly welcomes friends from Beyond Disability (first 30 days).

Our free site is number one on google under disabled dating.