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Beauty and the Dating Site

Beauty and the Dating Site

Stay away brace face; we don’t want your kind. Pizza face, chicken lips, fatty fatty two-by-four and big head also need not apply.   

One online dating site is taking a somewhat elementary approach in finding its new members. BeautifulPeople.com, which is established in the U.S., Canada, and the United Kingdom, allows its members to determine who is “hot” enough to join the site with an extensive three-day rating process. The rating is based on a scale with levels like, “Yes, certainly!” and “Hmm…not really.” Got a snaggletooth? That’s an automatic “No! Not at all!”

Isn’t the whole point of online dating to find someone who you can make a real connection with? That’s why we put all the time into coming up with catchy profile names and laugh-out-loud answers to survey questions. If you wanted to meet someone solely based on his or her looks, couldn’t you just go to a bar and start making out with the first guy with a dimpled chin or a girl with luscious lips?

Then again, whenever there’s an “E! True Hollywood Story,” the beautiful model or actress is always lamenting that he or she can’t find dates because they’re simply too good looking. What do you think? Should there be an online dating site where the beautiful people can go and frolic on their own? [National Post]

Posted: 6/23/08