From Suffering to Love

When we are unexpectedly brought face to face with grief, anger, fear, or sadness, we can free ourselves by looking for the love underneath. Healer, teacher and visionary, Scott Schwenk, shares the experience of feeling flooded with emotion about 9/11 while viewing a romantic drama in a movie theater. "With one simple reference, my body is doing everything it can to hold back a torrent of sound and tears," he remembers. "I am reminded in every viscera of my body and mind that suffering is."
Rather than run away or release this energy onto someone else, Schwenk has learned to go deeper. "When I reach through the outer layers of these sensations into a deeper core, I realize it is love I am feeling…in response to the suffering I'm witnessing," he says. "It's love that overwhelms me, not the grief, anger, fear or sadness."
When you're willing to lean back into the quiet presence of love that cares for people and that wants for their happiness, Shwenk reminds us, you are free.
Read Scott Schwenk’s entire blog post.