The Power of First Impressions

The clothes you wear can sabotage or support what you want to create in your life. "The power of a first impression is real and not disappearing anytime soon," says Kathi Burns, author of How to Master Your Muck. "Whether you are a man or a woman, you are judged by the clothes that you wear."
This seemingly cruel and unreasonable approach is hard to fight, Burns believes, because it stems from one of our most primal instincts, self-protection. "We are programmed to determine as quickly as possible whether the person next to us is trustworthy, or if we should take a flight-or-fight stance," she explains. "We simply rely on visual clues to determine whether we are safe." In the process, we make judgments about professionalism, financial status and personality.
Clothes affect not only the way we're perceived by others, but also how we feel about ourselves. "When we wear [certain items], our attitude throughout the day is more self-assured," Burns points out. "We feel happier and more successful."
Ask yourself, how do you want to be viewed by the world? How do you view yourself? Then use your wardrobe to help make these thoughts a reality.
Read Kathi Burns' entire blog post here.
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Hi Everyone, I simply had to leave a comment after reading this article~~which I am sorry to say I do NOT agree with at all. Clothes do not make a person~~a person makes the clothes. You could be wearing your best Gucci and Prada bearing a low self esteem (within) or a PMS day, now tell me how good you are going to look?? As far as I am concerned you could be wearing a pair of jeans, sweat shirt and flip-flops but as long as you are clean along with your hair and nails, a great smile and attitude and shinning from within, you will look like a million bucks. Never, judge a book buy its cover and you all know that as a rule of thumb. Wear what you feel good in and you will shine no matter what. I knew a man (whom now is deceased and sadly missed by all) whom owns companies all over the world~this man would walk around in jeans and still so respected by all, no, it had nothing to do with all the money he had-it had to do with the PERSON he is, so down to earth, giving, caring that you simply never noticed what he was wearing, and why~because you looked at the person whom he is NOT what he was wearing. To thine own self be true. Wear what you are comfortable in and you will shine! Remember clothes do not make you~~YOU make the clothes!! Love and Light...
Very fascinating article. In a world chock-full of "robots"--i.e. everyone seems to wear some form of blue jeans and tee shirt...I've always had my own unique style. What does that say? Not sure, other than: I refuse to conform to the "norms". I've never been one to keep up with fashion trends, nor am I out to make any statement other than "I AM the Professional "Chiller"".
I don't even own a pair of blue jeans or tee shirt. Everything in my dual closets (one summer, one winter) is an "outfit" from head to toe--hats, shoes, "jewelry", etc.. I make a point to match color schemes, have "perfect" hair, and carry myself with the appropriate attitude.
My wardrobe consists of everything from: "island wear"; to simply wild--crushed velvets, silks, and dynamic colors; to Tundra / Coogi sweaters; silk suits to pinstripe zoots; a full-length leather trench to a custom-made ostrich jacket; derby hats to fedoras; ostrich boots to "walk on cloud" slippers.
Despite the apparent flashiness, most everything in my wardrobe was purchased second-hand, consignment, or "found". I don't believe in spending high-dollar to look like a million bucks.
And contrary to any pre-concieved notions one may have concerning my fashion sense, it's a truly safe assessment to say: absolutely no one else dresses like me.
Attention whore? Not at all. Couldn't care less. I dress the way I do because it makes me...happy.
Thanks for reading! Inner Peace, Eternal Love, and Abundant Blessings!
Lyfa Lee Zhure, the Professional "Chiller"