Mandela and Perspectives

I am currently in South Africa writing my next book. The other day, I had a life-changing experience. I took the ferry to Robben Island, the maximum security prison where Nelson Mandela spent 27 years of his life.
Mandela’s 6-foot by 7-foot cell had no bed, a rough blanket on the floor and a red bucket for a toilet. He worked eight hours a day in a limestone quarry in the harsh sun, nearly going blind. Most incomprehensible of all, when he was released from jail, he had already forgiven his wardens.
The depth of his forgiveness is simply stunning. As I looked at things from this perspective, I began to wonder, whom do I still need to forgive? Do I really have a good reason not to have done so already? Ask yourself these same questions. If Mandela can be in jail for 27 years and come out with a heart full of love and compassion, then we all can as well.
Read my entire blog post on this subject.
We visited Robben Island in 1997 when it was 1st opened to the public. We were also humbled by Mandela's willingness & ability to forgive all that he experienced while in prison.
Esther Purcell