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Pregnancy Brain: Fact or Fiction?

So much for blaming the fact that you missed mom’s birthday or left the car running in the driveway (uh, not that we’ve done any of those things) on being pregnant! Despite the belief by most women that carrying a little bundle of joy has a definite impact on memory, an Australian study has found no evidence to suggest that pregnancy affects a woman's cognitive abilities.
“It really leaves the question open as to why (pregnant) women think they have poor memories when the best evidence we have is that they don’t,” says study leader Professor Helen Christensen (ed. note: not to be confused with Helena Christensen, the supermodel). Instead, she suggested that normal lapses in memory may be blamed on pregnancy because that’s what's foremost in expectant mothers’ minds.
Still, we’re not so sure. Our own informal poll found that most of our pregnant friends are much more forgetful now than they were before expecting. But you tell us: Are you suffering from more “brain freezes” now that you’re pregnant? [Yahoo News]
Without a doubt, I'm more forgetful. It very well might be that I have so many things on my mind that it's hard to keep track of it all, but I know that my memory isn't what is once was before I got pregnant. And I hear after you have the baby, it gets worse!