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Question:Anybody get super anxious when considering the change in lifestyle?

Asked by Marcyw3119 on 7/19/08 2 Answers»


My husband and I are about to embark on a pretty big lifestyle change in six months, when he goes back to school and I become the breadwinner. It's almost worse knowing that we have six months before this happens, because that just leaves time for the anxiety to build and build and build. What if he doesn't like it? What if I can't support us? What if we can't pay our bills? What if the economy tanks? What if what if rolls through my brain on a regular basis. But I keep remembering what my mom used to tell me when I was a kid (anxiety has been my companion since kindergarten). Just get through it one day, one thing at a time. I'm forgetting about what's happening six months from now, because all I can deal with is what is in front of me. I think that helps for lots of situations, including any life change you might be going through Marcyw3119.

And lilliede—I wish you well on your new chapter in life! You'll be happier and more successful than you could ever realize—just watch!

Answered by: LMAYO9 on 7/30/08



Today was the 30th day of the program "Getting Happier!". On the 17th of July, 4 days ago, I informed my husband of 47 years that I want a divorce!

It is because of the help of the "Getting Happier!" & the "Depression" programs, that I have had the strength to make this move!!

Am I anxious considering this lifestyle change? You bet!!!!

However, these 2 programs & all the information contained therein, have given me the chance to realize that I am not going to tolerate negativity & control any more. (Which has characterized my married life!!)

For years, I tried to get my husband to come with me for couples' counseling. His "take" on this, is that counselors, therapists, & psychologists are all a bunch of "quacks," & nothing has ever been solved by talking. I went by myself, which helped.

So, now I am strong enough to continue my life positively -- without him and his negativity, manipulation & controlling ways.

And I know that "when a door closes, a window opens." Only good can come from this!

Wish me well on this new chapter of the rest of my life.

I can use all the friends & support I can get!!!!

Answered by: lilliede81 on 7/22/08
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