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Love Is In the Air

Love Is In the Air

Happy Valentine’s Day! Whether you can or can’t be with the one you love today, love the one you’re with 24/7—yourself.

Okay, fine, I’m looking in the mirror—see? There I am—“I love you, you wonderful person. Big smooch.” There. Done. I’ll take the bubble bath later.

Wow, love really is in the air today. Maybe the problem is that you really aren’t sure how to love yourself.

You can start by sticking up for yourself. You know that little voice in your head, the one that’s always nagging you about doing things wrong? Tie a gag around it. Or at least catch it in the act. Every time it says something critical, counter it with something nice. Defending yourself, even in your head, is a great way to build self esteem and really get that self love flowing.

While you’re at it, give yourself a compliment or two in front of the mirror. Out loud.

“You look mahvelous.”

Posted: 2/14/09
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2/15/09 Next Tip»

The daily messages are wonderful and the articles are really well written. HOWEVER...what's up with the magazine cover picture of Angelina Jolie for today's article? I don't get how this picture applies to the article nor how it might related to the majority of the your readers?

  • By Anonymous
  • on 2/14/09 11:54 AM EST

Great writing; really fun to read. And I think this website is a wonderful idea. Thank you.