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How do I learn to pace myself?
I just got a promotion and am overwhelmed. I want to be able to ask questions without sounding like I am incompetent. No one expects me to "know it all" in my first 2 weeks but I don't cut myself some slack. I'm stressing myseelf out.
One practice I've used it to carry a notebook. Writing down every committment, idea, to-do item, etc. Before leaving I review for action items, which I schedule and prioritize for tomorrow. At the end of the week, I write myself a report of what I've accomplished, work in process, and any results achieved. This keeps my head in the game and is great back up for asking for that raise down the road!
Congratulations on your promotion. Wouldn't it be nice if when you get promoted, they also download all the required knowledge to your brain?
Well they've promoted you because you've proven that you can learn, problem solve and get things done.
I agree with Kristen. Reach out to a mentor or person who can guide you. Separately, ask you boss what he expects from you. What priority for the next 3, 6 & 12 months. Most importantly, have him/her write it down or put it in a memo to you. In return, tell him what you expect from him–proper guidance, proper resources to complete the tasks, allowance for mistakes, not yelling or embarrassing you if/when you do make mistakes, etc. It'll help him/her be a better boss and you a better future boss.
Map your strengths and weaknesses. Include left brain and right brain thinking such as organization and personal/interpersonal skills vs. creative or conceptual abilities. Share with your mentor so you'll know where you need help.
Once you have a plan. I think you stress will reduce a a little ;-)
You've already done one of the best things you can do—admitting that you're overwhelmed takes guts! Now...deep breath...it's going to be OK.
Every job has a learning curve. Give yourself an extra 10-15 minutes at the beginning of the day to get organized. Make a list of your priorities. If there's something on it that you don't know how to do, reach out to the person who can guide you. Don't be afraid to ask for help!
At the end of each day, give yourself that same 10-15 minutes to prep for the next day and congratulate yourself for what you did well! Remember, you were promoted because of what you CAN do...you'll learn the rest soon enough.