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Women's Suffrage

Women's Suffrage

Ecuadorian politician Maria Soledad Vela submitted a proposal to her colleages in the goverment to include a woman's right to better sex in the country's constitution. Her proposal was met with scorn and was shot down by the political opposition, but it did help to spark debate in the traditionally male-dominated country.

"The right for sexual pleasure is valid, but not in the constitution," Leonardo Viteri, a gynecologist and opposition member, says to Reuters. "A woman can ask her gynecologist how to improve her sexual pleasure but not the constitution."

Sounds like Viteri wants to keep all the fun to himself. Vela said she knew her proposal would bring laughs and ridicule, but she did it in order to bring light to the fact that many women in the country are often seen as sexual objects and that there is little in the way of gender equality.

Do you think we could use a similar “right to good sex” provision here in the United States? How do you think society would react if a Senator said that we all deserve one orgasm a week? [Reuters]

Posted: 6/23/08

What a fun posting -- ha, ha, ha!!

The U. S. is still somewhat male dominated & that proposal would recieve a lot of scoffs, ridicule & laughter. It may take more time before some people can comfortably look at this subject in the way Ms. Vela does.
I'm all for everybody enjoying great sex -- the more orgasms the merrier!