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Brace yourself. The interview process has gotten a little bit harder—like it wasn’t hard enough already. Panel interviews (a.k.a group grillings) are gaining popularity amongst employers. Instead of having to hide your sweaty palms from just one person, you’ll now have to hide them from the multiple members on the panel.

Usually, a panel interview consists of you, the interviewee, and prominent members of the company/organization/etc. who sit on a panel questioning and evaluating you throughout the entire interview. This is quite intimidating, and if you have not experienced a panel interview before, you might feel like you are being thrown into a whirlwind or onto a piping hot grill.

So instead of gearing your attention at one person, you have to make sure that you focus on the entire panel—while answering every question they throw at you in a well-thought out manner. A lot to be aware of? Indeed. Many employers think that a panel interview process is much more efficient than a one-person interview. It allows them to identify those who will work well in a group setting and those who will not crumble under pressure. Nevertheless, the same interview rules still apply.

In a way, a panel interview might be better than a one-person interview. If one of the panel members does not like you, well then, most likely another one will and hopefully he or she will vouch for you! Don’t worry, if all fails, entertain them with an interesting story about yourself.

Have you ever been through a panel interview? [Wall Street Journal]

Posted: 6/3/08

One of the worst interviews I've ever been on was a group interview. Let's just say it was for a show with a lot of loud personalities and I didn't realize that the interview was a smaller version of that show. They wanted to see how I could jump in and be snarky just like their show. I was totally taken aback. I didn't get the job (but I'm not crushed) but it was definitely a learning experience. You've never really had an interview till three or four people are shouting questions at you in rapid succession!

  • By LMAYO9
  • on 6/5/08 7:56 PM EST