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Our Dealing With Depression Experts

Fawn Fitter

Fawn Fitter

Author of Working in the Dark: Keeping Your Job While Dealing...

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Dr. Andrew Jones

Dr. Andrew Jones

Medical director of the Women’s Health Institute of Texas...

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Dr. Jesse H. Wright

Dr. Jesse H. Wright

Authority on treating depression, professor of psychiatry...

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The latest news on this change — carefully culled from the world wide web by our change agents. They do the surfing, so you don't have to!

Poetry in Motion

Poetry in Motion

Break out the quill and your scroll. It's time to work on...

You Create Your Future

You Create Your Future

Don’t let a rough news cycle affect your progress.

Move Over Depression

Move Over Depression

A little exercise can go a long way to help alleviate depression...

Shh, Don't Use the "D" Word

Shh, Don't Use the "D" Word

Singer Juliana Hatfield wonders why no one ever called her...

Easy on the Incense

Easy on the Incense

Burning incense can help fight depression, but it can also...

When it’s Not Just the Blues….

When it’s Not Just the Blues…...

Where does depression come from anyway?

Don’t Put it Off, Fight Depression Today!

Don’t Put it Off, Fight Depression...

Depression is an exhausting fight, but one worth winning.
